Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Naziran Yousaf Memorial Trust (NAYMET) is a non-government, non-profit, non-political organization working for the social and economic uplift of deprived, neglected, oppressed communities in the urban & semi urban areas of Pakistan above the caste, creed, religion and other group boundaries. NAYMET was established in 2004 and registered in 2005 by a group of volunteers. NAYMET has initiated number of programs/projects aimed at the economic, social and political empowerment on sustainable basis of the disadvantaged sections of the society.
Under the umbrella of economic empowerment program, NAYMET initiated micro credit & enterprise development program in District Lahore. This program was leading to poverty alleviation and empowering marginalized, deprived, oppressed and neglected communities through Micro Finance.
In social sector development NAYMET initiated women empowerment & development, health, Islamic education and Islamic Silai School, with the strong process of social mobilization.
As an organization NAYMET believes that empowerment and social change is only possible with effective and efficient participation of marginalized communities of the society.
NAYMET has an experience of working with poor communities at the grass root level for their socio-economic development & empowerment through an integrated package focusing on social sector services such as health, education, micro enterprise, relief & rehabilitation. Addressing communitys empowerment and their rights issues have been integral in all projects undertaken so far.

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